


The Risk Banking and Finance Society Presentation









10th Celebrative Edition
Florence, Italy: June 12–14, 2017

Assessing 10 Years of Changes in the Financial Markets: How will the Future be impacted?”

After the 9th successful edition in Jerusalem, Israel, the permanent organizers (University of Florence, NYU Stern Salomon Center), invite you to join the 10th celebrative edition of the International Risk Management Conference in Florence, Italy, June 12-14, 2017.
The conference will bring together leading experts from various academic disciplines and professionals for a two and a half days conference including three keynote plenary sessions, four parallel featured sessions, a special topic session and a professional workshop. The conference welcomes all relevant theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions.

Keynote Speakers:
Invited speakers of the 10th celebrative edition are Edward I. Altman (NYU Stern), Menachem Brenner (NYU Stern), Michael Gordy (Principal Economist - Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System), Rossella Locatelli (University of Insubria), Mario Nava (EuropeanCommission), David Yermack (NYU Stern), Linda Allen (CUNY – IRMC 2016), Giovanni Barone Adesi (Swiss Finance Institute IRMC 2009 & 2016), Santiago Carbo-Valverde (Bangor Business School – IRMC 2014) and William Ziemba (University of British Columbia – IRMC 2008).

KEYDATES: Call for Papers - Deadline: March 15 (Full papers - Final Draft); Paper acceptance: April 10, 2017
The Risk, Banking and Finance Society aims to promote the creation and exchange of knowledge about risk, banking and finance by establishing and developing a community of academics and practitioners interested in these subjects.


 The Risk, Banking and Finance Society aims to promote the creation and exchange of knowledge about risk, banking and finance by establishing and developing a community of academics and practitioners interested in these subjects.

The Society promotes and carries out theoretical and applied research in the economics and finance field, specifically regarding the identification, assessment and treatment of corporate, bank, national and systematic risks. It organizes and coordinates national and international conferences and workshops. Its scope is to advance knowledge on financial subjects. In particular, “The Risk, Banking and Finance Society” main task is to act as permanent conference manager for the “International Risk Management Conference”. It also offers the “Beautiful Minds in Finance” Workshop Series and other similar events in the field.

Future projects

Future projects include the creation and submission of an international research proposal to the “EU - VIIth Framework Program” about Enterprise Risk Management and ISO 31000 standard requirements involving top EU academic institutions (2013) and the foundation of the “Journal of Risk, Banking and Finance” (2013-2015).

Target members

The Society invites individuals interested in understanding risks and other financial topics to join the community as “Individual Associates”. In addition to individuals, corporations and institutions may also enjoy membership of the association as “Corporate” or “Supporting Associates”. Members contribute to the achievement of Society’s objectives and enjoy the benefits of the participating in a community of scholars, practitioners and policymakers.

The organization

The achievement of the objectives of this non-profit organization will be guided by the General Assembly of Associates, their elected Board and the Society’s President who acts as legal representative. In addition, a Scientific Committee and Board of Guarantors is appointed according to the association charter. The Risk, Finance and Banking Society was established in December 2010 under the Italian and European laws. 

Founder President and Legal Representative: Oliviero Roggi




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The Risk Banking and Finance Society - Via Ponte a Giogoli, 1 - Sesto Fiorentino - Florence - Italy